Tuesday, September 11, 2007


Today I wake up with a shiver. There's something about a chilly morning that makes me want to regress into the womb, just curl up into an amniotic blanket and live umbilically.

I think of the embryo at the end of 2001: A Space Odessy (the movie), and think of all mankind returning to an embryonic state. Not just man, but everything moving in a cycle, a swinging pendulum. The universe, expanding and contracting. Our yearly seasons, and eonic climate shifts, from global warming to ice age. Mankind, progressing and regressing, from space age to dark age.

It's all the same. Space, after all, is darkness.

I feel enlightened, and hit the snooze button (five times).

1 comment:

Adam C said...

Hi! I've checked in. What's with the black background? How does it feel to write in here? Suppose there's something worthwhile in scribbling random thoughts online like this? Now, if only there are a few more souls like us... ^^